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Watercolor Brush Pens vs. Calligraphy Brush Pens

Watercolor Brush Pens vs Calligraphy Brush Pens

Because of their flexible tips, watercolor brush pens are especially suited for lettering. But how exactly are they different from other calligraphy brush pens on the market?

To start, watercolor brush pens have a nylon brush tip, with soft bristles just like a synthetic paintbrush. Each pen is filled with water-based ink, which reacts differently depending on the amount of water or pressure you use. This makes it possible to play with techniques like layering, washing, gradients, and more in your brush calligraphy artworks.

A calligraphy brush pen, on the other hand, refers to any marker designed specifically for hand lettering use. You can choose from a wide selection of products, with various nibs, sizes, and inks available on the market. Many calligraphy pens are instant-drying, so you don’t have to worry about ink smudging or bleeding. However, this limits the techniques you can use in your project.

Ultimately, the right brush pen depends on your art style and preferences. If you want versatile pens for painting, lettering, and other projects, you can’t go wrong with watercolor markers. On the other hand, if you’re a calligraphy artist or enthusiast, you’ll love exploring all that brush pens have to offer!

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